I heard and interesting story two weeks ago while engaged in
the weekly Saturday Occupy Rapid City protest on a corner along Main Street in Rapid City . The story was being related in a casual and
conversational way, similar to discussing the weather or some other interesting
incident of a less than cataclysmic importance.
When hearing this type of recounting of a seemingly innocuous happening
some my reply, “That doesn’t surprise me.”
A delegation of visiting members of British
Parliament and other British officials were visiting South Dakota in the early part of June. On June 6 they were in Pierre
where the story has it that one of the members of the group asked Governor
Daugaard about the Occupy Movement in South
Dakota . In the
story, the Governor’s reply was something to the effect that “we don’t have
that in South Dakota .” The Governor must get his news from Rapid City news sources
where the activities of the Occupy Movement are not reported on unless it
offends an entity like Duhamel
Broadcasting. In addition to the
every Saturday protests in Rapid City , members
of Occupy Rapid City have given their support to and participated in the
protests by several groups in Rapid
City since their local
beginning in October of 2011.
It is a little hard for outsiders to track the local Occupy
Movement since it does not have a hierarchical structure or an official
organizational membership list. However,
there are several South Dakota
Occupy Movement
group websites that list members numbering from seventy or so to nearly on
hundred. There are also quite a number
of people that post on these sites that appear to think of themselves as
members of the Occupy Movement even if their names don’t appear on a group page
membership list.
It is obvious that participation has waned considerably from
what it was during the first exciting days when it was new concept for a lot of
people with, perhaps, less than realistic expectations. Still it is less than accurate for the
Governor to tell our British guests that “we don’t have that in South Dakota .”
Note: Here’s a few
other Occupy websites to check out http://occupyrapidcity.org/,
http://www.occupybrookings.com/, http://www.facebook.com/OccupyOfRapidCity,
and http://www.facebook.com/groups/occupyblackhills
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