Saturday, October 22, 2011

Occupy Rapid City, 2nd Saturday

It was another fine day to be out on the streets of Rapid City participating in the Occupy Rapid City movement. There were some new faces behind some of the signs that express the views of the protestors. Today was also and opportunity to meet some new people and to appreciate the support of passers by. There continues to be a great deal of apparent confusion and mystification on the part of detractors as evidenced by their inability to determine just what it is they are against in this movement. Apparently, those most mystified persons have not discussed the issues with the participants or spent much time reading the protestors’ signs. Perhaps those tasks are too difficult or they require too much thought. Check out the MadvilleTimes for some comments by participants and a few pictures of their signs. For more pictures of the protestors and their signs go to Occupy Rapid City.

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