Friday, June 13, 2014

Trouble with the truth

In his column in the Friday, June 13, Rapid City Journal David Rooks writes that his irritation with President Obama isn't about ideology as much as it is about truth.  He goes on to list a number of examples that are supposed to support his opinion.  He does this using political “spin” to decry “spin,” insert distortion for spin for more accuracy.  Of course, space requirements do not allow for foot notes or documentation to support the distortions, luckily for Mr. Rooks.

His accusations are more perception than evidence and therefore, to Mr. Rooks, they represent truth.  It is too bad he couldn't be more even handed in his criticisms when it relates to the ruling dictators or past dictators in South Dakota.  Mr. Rooks likes that term “dictator” so I thought I’d use it too even though I don’t believe we have any real dictators in the United States, even after I read David Rooks’ column.    

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's all about winning

This morning Bob Mercer’s post on Pure Pierre Politics suggested that Rick Weiland might want to consider dropping out of the political race for the retiring Tim Johnson's senate seat.  Mr. Mercer writes about the Weiland’s chance of winning the election and how the current mix of candidates actually helps Mike Rounds and hurts Rick Weiland’s chances.  Mr. Mercer makes the suggestion that former Senator Larry Pressler would be the “independent-Democratic” candidate with best chance against Rounds.

Apparently, politics is all about winning.  Issues and discussion aren't worth anything compared to winning.  The idea that the campaign itself would play an important part in our country’s politics appears to be passe'.   Perhaps this is another symptom or result of the polarization of American politics.    There should be more to our political discussion than just how Republican or conservative a candidate is or was or will be.  When does the discussion get around to what is good for the society and the nation, or does that ever make a difference?