Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Congress should have the same health care as the rest of us

 I just took a moment to sign on to this simple statement by Consumers Union, "Stop insurance company abuses: Uphold the Affordable Care Act," and I hope you will join me.

The Supreme Court will debate our new health insurance rights at the end of this month, and those who want to overturn the law are going to be there in force. Like me, you probably can't go to Washington, but if you add your name to this statement, Consumers Union will put your name on a huge banner that will be unfurled in front of the Court for all to see. Click here to add your name!

Why is this moment in time so important? If the Court strikes down the law, we will lose our new rights that hold insurance companies accountable for how they spend our money and how they treat us.
Gone will be our right to get a refund on our premiums if insurers spend too much on their CEO salaries and overhead. Gone will be our right to get decent coverage even if we have a pre-existing condition. Gone will be the ability to keep teens and young adults on their parents’ policy. Gone will be a prohibition that stops insurers from charging women more than men.

Please take a moment to show your support for our new rights under the law by adding your name to the banner. Thank you!

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