Thursday, January 19, 2012

Occupy Rapid City joins national protest of Citizens United ruling

Guest Post
For immediate release
On Friday January 20, 2012, Occupy Rapid City will participate in a national protest: 
Occupy the Federal Courthouse: 

On the second anniversary of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited undisclosed amounts of corporate money in political campaigns there will be occupations of Courthouses around the country. This effort is being promoted by the national group Move to Amend, which is organizing for an amendment to the US Constitution denying person hood to corporations. The effect of so-called "Super-PACS" may already be seen in the current election cycle. Our country continues to have the best politicians that money can buy. This is a concern in South Dakota as well as in national elections. We believe that when the voices of the 99% of the American population are ignored in favor of the 1%, then it is past time to implement public financing of elections.

We will meet locally at the Rapid City Federal Courthouse (9th and Main and St. Joe) at 4:30 pm. All are welcome. This is not solely an "Occupy" event. It is an open citizen protest against the Supreme Court Citizens United ruling.

Occupy Rapid City shows no signs of slowing. With weekly consensus-based meetings continuing, the activists are still reaching out for new ways to support the nation-wide effort for the promotion of social, economic and political change. On January 15th a candlelight vigil has held in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. in downtown Rapid City.
The next ORC teach-in will be January 31 at 5:30 pm at the RC Public Library Room B. Lilias Jarding will present on corporate energy–coal, oil, nuclear–with emphasis on uranium mining in and around the Black Hills. Karen Hall will talk about how to lobby the SD Legislature effectively and the online tools available.

Group participants still show enthusiasm for continuing their weekly Saturday demonstrations in downtown Rapid City, in support of the greater movement.

For further information on Occupy Rapid City please see:

Clay Uptain

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